New Brand, New Website, New Wedding Season, and So Much to Celebrate


Wow! We've been silent on this blog for the past several months because we've been hard at work behind the scenes. Our fellow creative industry friends will all be able to relate to this: launching a brand is not for the faint of heart. It takes time. It takes soul-searching. It takes deep thought and willingness to answer hard questions. But mostly, it takes trust. 

Our clients bring us their hopes, dreams, visions, ideas, fears and anxieties. They put all of those precious thoughts and feelings into our hands and entrust us to create an event experience that gives their marriage the joyful celebration it deserves and represents a meaningful start to the lifetime of legacy they'll build together. It's easy to think of a wedding as just a party, but that's a really short-sighted view. We take our responsibility seriously, and we love it wholeheartedly. 

Nancy Ray Photography

Similarly, we entrusted our brand designer, Kathryn at Creme Brands, with so much. The parallels are not lost on us. Friends, she challenged us to really do this the right way. To get to the bottom of what makes us tick as a team, what we do best, how we best serve our clients, how we can continue to get better. She walked us through a thorough process that ultimately rolled all of our ideas, strengths, and goals into a visual representation of our hearts, our process, and our unique approach to event planning, design, and production.

When it was time for her to present logo artwork to us, we told her to show us just one option. Her very best option. She nailed it, and when she presented her selection to us, we were so thrilled that we didn't even change a single thing. 

Trust is powerful, and empowering. We know that to be true because we see the difference in our own work when our clients truly trust us. Trusting Kathryn was the very best thing we could have possibly done and it was an incredible reminder that artistry thrives in a trusting environment. 

Jake & Heather Photography

We couldn't possibly love this new logo artwork, this new look, and this new website any more. We hope you love it too, and we invite you to join us as we resume blogging regularly three times a week and continue to share a look behind-the-scenes here at Rebecca Rose Events as we head into a busy (and beautiful!) wedding season. 

Thank you to all of our families, friends, clients (past and present alike!), industry partners, and creative collaborators that have given us so much encouragement and support over these last eight years in business. It feels good to finally feel like our brand really fits us, perhaps better than it ever has, and we're so grateful to everyone who played a role in this process. 

Nancy Ray Photography

Extra special thanks to Nancy Ray Photography, Heather Beerman of Jake & Heather Photography, the team at McAlister-Leftwich, and Jennifer House at Makeup for Your Day (seriously - this gal worked some magic on us for our new head shots!) 

Nancy Ray Photography

Much more to come soon, friends! In the meantime... peruse the new site and enjoy! 

With love, 

Becca, Betsy, and Brittany


Gearing Up for a Busy Wedding Season


Featured on Trendy Bride Magazine's Blog | Blackberry Wedding Inspiration