Gearing Up for a Busy Wedding Season


Our 2018 wedding season has shaped up to be so incredibly beautiful. Each year around this time, we're dotting "i"s, crossing "t"s, and keeping our heads down with intense focus as we finish the final prep work before each wedding day approaches. Though our weddings are spread out through November this year (and we have availability to accept one more 2018 wedding in December! Could that be you? Reach out and let's connect!) these final days before the first RRE wedding of the season always feel particularly full. 

This year, perhaps more than ever before, I am feeling so excited. 

Sneak peek of some design plans in progress for a rehearsal dinner this May! 

Want to know what we're up to? Be sure to follow along on Instagram and we'll be sharing a lot of behind-the-scenes sneak peeks at the final stages of our production and design process, onsite installation, and the wedding itself. Get ready friends, we're kicking it all off this weekend with a wedding right here in our hometown in Winston-Salem. 




Searching for an Event Planning Internship? We May Have a Spot for You!


New Brand, New Website, New Wedding Season, and So Much to Celebrate