Gratitude Series: Still Thankful

Even though Thanksgiving was last week, we haven’t stopped being thankful here! Both in work and in our personal lives, we’ve all felt incredibly lucky. That feeling doesn’t stop just because we celebrated a day in November with turkey. This past month has taught us to slow down, take time to show our appreciation, and celebrate the little (and big) things. After going through that exercise we decided not to stop! So here I go again…

This year my personal life has brought me tons of joy and I am beyond proud of my own accomplishments. Wow, that feels weird to type but it’s true and I’m okay sharing that! Back in 2016, I wasn’t in a great place as I got a bit too stuck in the grind and forgot to take care of myself.  It took a birthday dinner with a bit too much to drink for me to snap out of it.  (Read the story here).  2017 has been the year for me to get my personal health back in check. I’ve spent the year eating right and training for my new addiction, triathlons. Y’all, I LOVE this world!  I completed three races this year and have begun training for a ½ Ironman for 2018.

Nancy Ray Photography

I’ve never felt better but none of this would be possible without the support of our RRE team, my family, my friends and my training group. There isn’t a day that goes by that I’m not thankful to have such a community pushing me to be a healthier and stronger person. It’s not always easy but it’s always worth it! 



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